This research project is directed towards children's perspectives of their leisure in school-age educare. In Sweden, more than 80 percent of all children 6-9 years attend school-age educare. Yet, we lack knowledge of children's experiences in these centres and reports from The Swedish school inspectorate have several times stated that school age educare in Sweden do not live up to the standards. In my previous research about quality work in school-age educare and preschools, I experienced themes about children's perspectives that I want to investigate further.The aims with this new project are to generate knowledge about children's leisure in school-age educare and to develop methods for evaluation with the perspectives of children and teachers.
The theoretical framework is grounded in sociology of childhood were children's everyday lives are focus. With this framework, children are "beings" not "becomings" and includes children's voices, and children's possibilities to participate and having influence of their leisure. The design comprises rapid ethnographical fieldwork in 10 school-age educare centres, one week per centre, with observations and interviews continuous during the week. Also, two different methods for quality will be used together with children and teachers, as a boundary object, to start discussions about what to evaluate in school-age educare and to fetch their perspectives to develop new methods for evaluating. Within this week also group interviews with teachers and with children are carried out. Expected findings from this project are knowledge of children's leisure in school-age educare as well as methods for evaluating from perspectives of children and teachers.