Supplementary materials to "Kajonius, P. J., & Johnson, J. A. (2019). Assessing the structure of the Five Factor Model of Personality (IPIP-NEO-120) in the public domain. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 12(2), 260-275."1.) Scoring Key for the IPIP-NEO-300 and IPIP-NEO-120; 2.) Files containing data from the Johnson (2005) JRP study and documentation for those files: a) ipip20993.dat contains 20,993 cases of item responses to the IPIP-NEO-300 in ASCII format. The file also contains facet and domain scale scores and two measures of intra-individual reliability described in the publication. Variables are listed at the top of the file; b) ipip20993.por contains these same data in portable SPSS format, and ipip20993.sav contains these data in SPSS 10.0 sav format; c) DAT20993.doc is a MS Word file that describes the variables in these files and how they are coded. 3.) Files containing data from the Johnson (2014) JRP study and documentation for those files: a) IPIP300.dat contains 307,313 cases of item responses to the IPIP-NEO-300 in ASCII format; b) contains those data in portable SPSS format; c) DAT300.doc is a MS Word file that describes the formatting of these data files; d) IPIP120.dat contains 619,150 cases of item responses to the IPIP-NEO-120; e) contains those data in portable SPSS format; f) DAT120.doc is a MS Word file that describes the formatting of these data files.