Ceramic coatings on metallic implants are a promising alternative to conventional implants due to their ability to offer superior wear resistance. The present work investigates the sliding wear behavior under bovine serum solution and indentation crack growth resistance of four coatings, namely (1) conventional powder-derived alumina coating (Ap), (2) suspension-derived alumina coating (As), (3) composite Al2O3-20wt % Yittria stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) coating (AsYs) deposited using a mixed suspension, and (4) powder Al2O3-suspension YSZ hybrid composite coating ApYs developed by axial feeding plasma spraying, respectively. The indentation crack growth resistance of the hybrid coating was superior due to the inclusion of distributed fine YSZ particles along with coarser alumina splats. Enhanced wear resistance was observed for the powder derived Ap and the hybrid ApYs coatings, whereas the suspension sprayed As and AsYs coatings significantly deteriorated due to extensive pitting.