Without electronics life is really difficult. It has grown into an integral part. Almost everything these days have electronics components with its heart being the Printed circuit boards. The components after putting on PCB it is called Printed circuit board assembly or PCBA. Printed Circuit Board also known as PCB is becoming important day by day for the modern industrial process. The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) isn't a new technology, and industries have been using it from many decades ago. First ever PCB patent was submitted in 1925. From small to large industries, every electronic requires PCBs these days. Industries started to notify the benefits behind this technology. Easily repairable, saving of time etc., are the advantages of using PCBs. To automate the process of PCB assembly, many software's are available in the market. Automated assembly is not achievable for less numbers of PCBs. The first step to make an automated industry is always difficult and expensive. The reason of employing the automation in assembly lines is to lessen the time in the production and to minimize the cost. PCBs are poised to grow stronger in coming years. It is guessed to reach about $80.1 billion by 2023. [1] From aerospace to health care industry this technology has been a key technology to develop their models and grow in their respective sectors. As the demands are growing for high speed data, signal transmission have a direct impact on PCB industry.
Two case studies are shown where Automation makes it easier for the assembly of PCBs. The case studies results shows the development and how crucial is it in the industrial sector.