Introduction: After treatment for myocardial infarction (MI) quite a few persons will experience different symptoms, including fatigue, during the recovery phase. The aim of the present study was to construct the multidimensional Post-Myocardial Infarction Fatigue (PMIF) scale, based on empirical data gathered in coronary heart disease contexts. Methods: The construction of the post-MI fatigue scale was conducted in seven steps, ending in a psychometric evaluation of the internal structure of the scale, using confirmatory factor analysis, as well as testing of convergent and discriminant validity, using correlational analysis, in a sample of 141 persons treated for MI. Results: The results showed that the PMIF scale represents three dimensions: physical, cognitive and emotional fatigue. It was also found that the scale is suitable for summing the items to obtain a total score representing a post-MI global fatigue dimension. Conclusion: The PMIF is a brief and easily completed scale for identifying persons experiencing post-MI fatigue. Early identification of fatigue, together with health behavior support, might prevent progression toward a more severe state of fatigue.
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