THE SWEDEN DEMOCRAT’S IMAGE STRUGGLE: A comparative textual analysis of the differences and similarities in ideological presentation and framing of the Sweden Democrats by Dagens Nyheter
2018 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
The aim of this thesis is to analyse what traces there are of social conservatism and right-wing populism in how the Sweden Democrats presents, and Dagens Nyheter frames the Sweden Democrats ideology on immigration issues. The theory chapter explains the ideologies; social conservatism and right-wing populism which are further used in the analysis so as to trace where and how elements of the ideologies are present, or latent, in the research material within the SD’s promotional material and DN’s leading articles of the SD. To reach a result and answer to our research question we perform textual content analysis on the material. The study shows that the presented ideology of the SD differs from how DN frames the ideology. This is evident throughout the analysis as the ‘grey zone’ in which both ideologies coincide are often used by the SD so as to present themselves as social conservative while in the case of DN the ‘grey zone’ actions, statements, and suggestions of the SD are attributed towards right-wing populism.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2018. , p. 56
Keywords [en]
right-wing populism, social conservatism, immigration, ideology, framing, Sweden democrats
National Category
Political Science
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-12788Local ID: EIS501OAI:, id: diva2:1232359
Subject / course
Political science
Educational program
International Programme in Politics and Economics
2018-07-242018-07-112018-07-24Bibliographically approved