SAGE Research Methods Cases Part 2.
SAGE Research Methods Cases are stories of how real research projects were conducted. The collection provides more than 1100 case studies, showing the challenges and successes of doing research, written by the researchers themselves. They explain why the researchers chose the methods they did, how they overcame problems in their research and what they might have done differently with hindsight: the realities of research that are missing from journal articles and textbooks. Cases are peer-reviewed and come with pedagogical tools including learning objectives and discussions questions. They can be used as a teaching tool to demonstrate a particular method and how it is applied in real research, or as inspiration to students who are preparing for their own research project.
Most people who experience an acute stroke survive, but a substantial number die as a result of it. Stroke is, according to the World Health Organization, the second leading cause of death globally. Research in the area of stroke has previously been less focused on situations when patients die due to an acute stroke in favor of research on medical treatments, rehabilitation, and living with the aftermath of stroke. Research focusing on ethical problems in the care of dying patients can be found both in general and in specific care contexts such as palliative, intensive, and non-hospital care, but knowledge concerning ethical problems in the area of stroke, or arising as a result of acute stroke, was lacking. Both these subjects, death due to acute stroke and ethical problems, were combined for the first author's (Å. R.) thesis. Individual interviews with stroke team members were performed guided by their answers in a three-part form filled out before the interviews. This case study provides an account of how qualitative and quantitative content analysis was used in combination to deepen the results from the study utilizing data obtained from both the three-part forms and the interviews performed. The case highlights some challenges faced when combining the two different types of data. It also gives examples of how the analysis was performed when combining qualitative and quantitative content analysis to support and further explore data.