Social media has become an important part of people’s social life and effect how they communicate, interact and consume online. Social media, has therefore also to a great extent been adopted by organizations in order to be used both for internal and external communication. The purpose of this paper is to study the adoption and implementation of social media in hotel organizations from the employee’s, or user’s perspective by applying the concept of “technological frames” with focus on the nature of technology, technology strategy and technology in use. The paper is designed as a longitudinal, qualitative case study consisting of data collected in seven European countries. In total 28 in-depth interviews have been conducted during 2.5 years. Findings show that the employees’ technological frames to a high extent has been constructed outside the organization during their private usage, or non-usage of social media, and that these frames affect how they use social media in the hotel organizations. The contribution is an insight into how technologies, like social media that is introduced to employees outside the organizational setting, are used during an implementation process within the workplace. Keywords: social media, implementation, adoption, technological frames, social media marketing, usage, perception, hospitality,