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Tillit genom design: Conversational User Interface inom human-machine interaction
University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Media and Design.
University West, Department of Economics and IT, Division of Media and Design.
2017 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Achieving trust through design : Conversational User Interface in human-machine interaction (English)
Abstract [sv]

Denna studie undersöker vilka faktorer som påverkar tilliten till semi- och helautonoma bilar, kopplingen mellan tillit och design av informationssystemet, samt om man genom ett conversational user interface kan bidra med tillit till bilarna.     För att undersöka detta genomfördes intervjuer med fem personer som arbetar inom UX- eller interaktionsdesign inom bilbranschen. På så sätt fick vi även en inblick i hur yrkesverksamma tänker kring kopplingen mellan tillit och design. Resultatet visar att nyheter och medier kan påverka användarnas tillit till de autonoma bilarna. Det finns många olika faktorer som spelar in i tilliten till autonoma bilar, men feedback och situationsmedvetenhet var två utmärkande faktorer. Bilförare måste ha en rimlig nivå av tillit vid användandet av det autonoma systemet. Man ska visa det som är relevant för föraren att veta i den specifika situationen och vad som krävs av föraren. Besluten bör även visas på ett sätt som är likt hur användaren tänker. Vidare visade även resultatet att man genom ett conversational user interface kan bidra till tilliten med hjälp av de vokala egenskaper som rösten har. Att applicera mänskliga attribut kan även hjälpa till att skapa en mer mänsklig relation till systemet.

Abstract [en]

This paper studies factors that affect trust in semi and fully autonomous cars, the connection between trust and the design of the information system, and if it is possible to increase the degree of trust in the cars by using a conversational user interface.  The study was carried out by conducting interviews with five UX and interaction design professionals in the automotive industry. By doing so, we obtained an understanding of how working professionals view the connection between trust and design. The results indicate that news and media can affect users’ trust in autonomous cars. There are several components that play into the trust in autonomous cars, but feedback and situational awareness were two distinguishing factors. Drivers need to have an appropriate degree of trust when using the autonomous system. You have to display only what is relevant for the driver to know in the specific situation and what actions are required from the driver. The car’s decisions should also be presented in a way that conforms to the human thought process. Furthermore, the results show that you can increase the degree of trust with the vocal attributes of the voice of a conversational user interface; adding human attributes to the voice can help create a more human-like relationship to the system.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2017. , p. 42
Keywords [en]
conversational user interface, CUI, trust, autonomous cars, design, human-machine interaction, HMI, speech, feedback
Keywords [sv]
conversational user interface, CUI, tittit, autonoma bilar, design, human-machine interaction, HMI, tal, feedback
National Category
Media Studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-11554Local ID: EXC509OAI:, id: diva2:1142348
Subject / course
Media informatics
Educational program
Digitala media
Available from: 2017-09-19 Created: 2017-09-19 Last updated: 2017-09-19Bibliographically approved

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