The aim of this study is to analyze what politeness techniques are used in film trilogy Before Sunrise/Before Sunset/Before Midnight to represent changes in speech patterns as two individuals grow closer to each other. Do speech patterns change or remain the same as their relationship grows? The analysis focuses on positive and negative politeness including face-threatening acts. My hypotheses are that the film characters might be more careful to follow Politeness principles at the beginning of their acquaintance and that the amount of face-threatening acts may occur more frequently as the two grow closer to each other. My conclusion is that the film characters do try harder at the beginning of their acquaintance to follow Politeness principles. In the first film it seems that they are eager to protect the positive face of themselves as well as of each other. The amount of face-threatening acts increases gradually throughout the trilogy to reach their peak in the third film. In all three films, it seems that one of the characters appears more inclined than the other to avoid situations where face threats are likely to occur.