The Moho surface can be determined according to isostatic theories and the recent Vening Meinesz-Moritz (VMM) theory of isostasy has been successful for this purpose. In this paper, we will study this method from a theoretical prospective and try to find its connection to the Airy-Heiskanen (AH) and Vening Meinesz original theories. We develop Jeffrey’s inverse solution to isostasy according to the recent developments of the VMM method and compare both methods in similar situations. We will show that they are generalisations of the AH model in a global and continuous domain. In the VMM spherical harmonic solution for Moho depth, the mean Moho depth contributes only to the zero-degree term of the series, whilst in Jeffrey’s solution it contributes to all frequencies. We improve the VMM spherical harmonic series further so that the mean Moho can contribute to all frequencies of the solution. This modification makes the VMM global solution superior to the Jeffrey one, but in a global scale, the difference between both solutions is less than 3 km. Both solutions are asymptotically-convergent and we present two methods to obtain smooth solutions for Moho from them.