A series of cognitive mapping exercises were produced in order to create an overview of global international risks and to have an at least intuitive help in setting priorities. The initial chaotic impression persisted all through this process and that was a result in itself. Combinations of risk factor appeared as the really notable risks and a few of those wereextracted. Recalling that risk developments not all follow linear or smooth trends, but jump,gave an additional alarm to the impression of an earth in a so far underestimated crisis.Time factors remain to be analyzed but it is already clear that there is more of an urgency thanthe well-known laws of entropy indicates. The current piecewise studies of risks and trends donot face that responsibility though, neither for the people nor for the administrations. Anethical perspective is also offered in this article: Will our serious alert do more good than harm? Who will benefit from the knowledge exposed of the weaknesses of our world?