The Earth's gravity field modelling is an ill-posed problem having a sensitive solution to the error of data. Satellite gravity gradiometry (SGG) is a space technique to measure the second-order derivatives of geopotential for modelling this field, but the measurements should be validated prior to use. The existing terrestrial gravity anomalies and Earth gravity models can be used for this purpose. In this paper, the second-order vertical–horizontal (VH) and horizontal–horizontal (HH) derivatives of the extended Stokes formula in the local north-oriented frame are modified using biased, unbiased and optimum types of least-squares modification. These modified integral estimators are used to generate the VH and HH gradients at 250 km level for validation purpose of the SGG data. It is shown that, unlike the integral estimator for generating the second-order radial derivative of geopotential, the system of equations from which the modification parameters are obtained is unstable for all types of modification, with large cap size and high degree, and regularization is strongly required for solving the system. Numerical studies in Fennoscandia show that the SGG data can be estimated with an accuracy of 1 mE using an integral estimator modified by a biased type least-squares modification. In this case an integration cap size of 2.5° and a degree of modification of 100 for integrating 30′ × 30′ gravity anomalies are required.