Car bodies are today more often made of high strength steel. In high strength steel spot welds are more friable and it is necessary to have higher demands on the inspections of spot welds. Quality control of spot weld can be either destructive or non-destructive. Destructive testing is still the most common method to test spot weld. The non-destructive methods that are investigete in this project are visual inspektion (VT), penetrant testing (PT), eddy current testing (ET), ultrasonic testing (UT), magnetic paticle testing (MT) and X-ray testing (RT). Other NDT methods are acoustic emission (AE), digital sheargraphy and IR-termography (IRT). These methods are investigated with focus on the possibility to detect Lens Diameter, stick welds, expulsions, porosity and cracks. And the possibility to automation of the method with focus on size and weight of the system, protection equipment, contact or contactless, one or two sided, position accuracy, and result in real-time.
Only tree NDT methods, UT, RT and IRT, can detect all discontinuities that we looking for in RSW. The thermography system has the largest potential to be a NDT system for spot weld in the future, mainly because the method is non-contact, which helps when you have the opportunity to searching on a surface instead of a specific position. The main problem with this method is that there is no software for analysing the results to obtain lens diameter.