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Hur förändras organisationskulturenutanför väggarna?: En fallstudie om hur kulturen sprids vid fjärrarbete
University West, School of Business, Economics and IT.
University West, School of Business, Economics and IT.
2022 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
How does organizational culture change outside the walls? : A case study onhow culture is spread in remote work (English)
Abstract [en]

Research shows that the role of organizational culture in an organization's performance cannot be overlooked. It is also clear that organizations that manage to change the culture in connection with growth create more stable growth. However, there are risks when this happens, both for a deteriorated culture but also for a divided culture. With an understanding of how important the organizational culture is both for the individual employee and for the organization's performance, as well as the difficulties organizations have in implementing new employees in the culture, knowledge is needed about how organizations can ensure that the culture is spread in organizations. With our aim, to increase the understanding of and create knowledge about how culture is spread in an organization that no longer operates within four walls, a case study was carried out, where an organization that is expanding rapidly and many new employees who come in, mainly working in remote work environment, investigated. This took place through in-depth interviews of the CEO and founders, observations and through a questionnaire that the organization's employees had to answer. Through this method, the respondents' perception and experiences regarding their experience of the organizational culture and how it is spread were captured. The experience was then interpreted and analyzed with the support of a theoretical frame of reference and previous research in areas such as organizational culture, remote work, growth, the role of the leader and communication.Through this, we were able to answer the purpose and state that the culture can be spread even when employees are no longer sitting within the same walls. This took place within the organization primarily through regular meetings, lunches and through close communication, both between employees and between leaders and employees. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2022. , p. 46
Keywords [sv]
Organisationskultur, Tillväxt, Fjärrarbete, Kommunikation, Ledarskap
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-19460Local ID: EXF610OAI:, id: diva2:1718964
Subject / course
Business administration
Educational program
Magisterprogram i ledarskap
Available from: 2022-12-19 Created: 2022-12-14 Last updated: 2022-12-19Bibliographically approved

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School of Business, Economics and IT
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