Culture is a difficult issue to be address because of its complexity. It is understandable that MNCs face difficulties cause by cultural differences and even cultural clash during merger activity. The purpose of this study is to contribute to an existing knowledge about cultural differences so that readers will have a deep understanding of cultural differences.The study investigated how cultural differences posed a challenge in post-merger integration and how these cultural differences can be addressed in merger activity. This study will serve as building knowledge for both private and corporate bodies who engage in merger activities and face cultural issues. The theoretical framework discusses published information about subject matters related to the topic of the research. Important aspects in cultural differences in mergers and post-merger integration have been studied. The study reviews the complexity that is involved in culture and integration during merger activity. The methodology outlines the choice of the research which was motivated with reasons behind the techniques and processes in gathering, presenting and analysing the empirical data. The research which is a qualitative research adopted the abductive approach as the research design where data are collected through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were means of mainly secondary data collection where questions relevant to the research questions are formulated and asked to a small group of respondents. The focus during the empirical study was to seek answers that will enable in answering the research questions.The empirical findings illustrate how cultural differences poses a challenge for Corporations who are involved in mergers and that Corporations struggle with these challenges. Nevertheless, these cultural differences can be addressed if both MNCs are committed to implement necessary measures as analysed and discussed in the next chapter. Lastly the study is concluded by demonstrating the findings and answering the research questions based on the analysis of the empirical data collected. Several recommendations are outlined and area for further study is suggested.