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Samband mellan personlighetsdimensioner, workaholism och livstillfredsställelse
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology.
University West, Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology.
2019 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Relationship between personality dimensions, workaholism and life satisfaction (English)
Abstract [sv]

Workaholism har genom forskning kunnat kopplas till flertalet negativa konsekvenser. Samtidigt har positiva konsekvenser kopplade till upplevd livstillfredsställelse uppvisats. Gemensamt för dessa begrepp är att de vid flertalet tillfällen uppvisat samband med olika personlighetsdimensioner, däribland personlighetsdraget emotionell intelligens. Syftet med föreliggande studie var därför att undersöka hur workaholism och livstillfredsställelse förhåller sig till varandra samt vilka personlighetsvariabler som kan predicera workaholism och livstillfredsställelse. Studiens deltagarantal uppgick till 171 med medelåldern 40 år. Officiell arbetstid var genomsnittligt 36.26 tim/vecka och faktisk arbetstid 40.56tim/vecka. Workaholism mättes med Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS-10), upplevd livstillfredsställelse med Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), emotionell intelligens med Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (TEIQueSF), generella personlighetsdrag med Mini International Personality Item Pool-6 (Mini-IPIP-6), mörka personlighetsdrag med Short Dark Triad (SD3) samt socialt önskvärd "stil" med Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR6). Mellan workaholism och livstillfredsställelse uppvisades i korrelationsanalysen ett negativt samband. Regressionsanalyser visade genom positiva samband att personlighetsdimensionen med störst betydelse för workaholism var neuroticism. För livstillfredsställelse var emotionell intelligens mest betydelsefull. Studiens sammanfattade resultat indikerar att workaholism och neuroticism påverkar individers upplevda livstillfredsställelse på ett negativt sätt. Resultaten indikerar också att individer kan förbättra livstillfredsställelsen genom att utveckla sin emotionella intelligens.

Abstract [en]

Workaholism has, through research, been shown to be linked to several negative consequences. At the same time, positive consequences associated with perceived life satisfaction have been demonstrated. Common to these concepts is that they, on many occasions, have been associated with different personality dimensions, including the personality trait emotional intelligence. The purpose of the present study was therefore to investigate how workaholism and life satisfaction relates to each other and which personality variables can predict workaholism and life satisfaction. The number of participants in the study was 171, with an average age of 40 years. Official working time averaged 36.26 h/week and actual working time 40.56 hours/week. Workaholism was measured with Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS-10), perceived life satisfaction with Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), emotional intelligence with Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (TEIQue-SF), general personality traits with Mini International Personality Item Pool-6 ( Mini-IPIP-6), dark personality traits with Short Dark Triad (SD3) and socially desirable "style" with Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR6). Between workaholism and life satisfaction, the correlation analysis showed a negative relationship. Regression analyzes showed, through positive correlations, that the personality dimension with the greatest importance for workaholism was neuroticism. For life satisfaction, emotional intelligence was most important. The study's summarized results indicates that workaholism and neuroticism adversely affect individuals' perceived life satisfaction. The results also indicate that individuals can improve life satisfaction by developing their emotional intelligence.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2019. , p. 23
Keywords [en]
workaholism, satisfaction with life, emotional intelligence, personality
Keywords [sv]
workaholism, livstillfredsställelse, emotionell intelligens, personlighet
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-14140Local ID: EXM540OAI:, id: diva2:1338561
Subject / course
Educational program
Available from: 2019-07-23 Created: 2019-07-23 Last updated: 2019-12-13Bibliographically approved

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