Förebyggande åtgärder mot obstipation: en litteraturbaserad studie Författare:
2014 (svensk)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 poäng / 15 hp
OppgaveAlternativ tittel
Preventive measures against constipation : a literature-based study (engelsk)
Abstract [en]
Background: Constipation is a common problem in all areas of health care and leads to unnecessary suffering for the patient and a decreased wellbeing. This study aims to make a summary of preventative measures as increased fibre intake, massage, and alternate methods which can be used in preventative care by the nurse to prevent constipation and maintain the patient’s wellbeing. Aim: To describe which measures the nurse can use to prevent constipation and maintaining the patient’s wellbeing. Method: A literature-based study based on ten quantative scientific articles. Results: A high fibre diet, abdominal massage, pear juice, lactic acid bacteria, bran and planned nursing interventions are effective in preventing constipation and maintaining the patient’s wellbeing. Conclusion: There are many methods besides laxatives which the nurse can use to prevent constipation and maintain the patient’s wellbeing.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2014. , s. 21
Emneord [en]
Constipation, fibre, massage, nurse, prevent
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-5948Lokal ID: EXO500OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hv-5948DiVA, id: diva2:698381
Fag / kurs
Nursing science
2014-02-262014-02-212014-02-26bibliografisk kontrollert