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Risk Management in M-Commerce projects: A Case Study of M-Commerce project in Trollhättan
Högskolan Väst, Institutionen för ekonomi och it, Avd för informatik.
2012 (engelsk)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 40 poäng / 60 hpOppgave
Abstract [en]

Due to its inherent characteristics such as ubiquity, personalization, flexibility, and dissemination, mobile commerce promises business unprecedented market potential, greater productivity and higher profitability. With this in mind, it is perhaps not surprising that mobile commerce is growing much faster than its fixed counterpart. Unlike e-commerce, m-commerce is personalized and there is a need for a novel approach to evaluating risk management in m-commerce projects.

Result in the increase of risks management in m-commerce. Besides the business core activities, the increased use of derivative products by both financial and non-financial institutions and recent events or scandals continue to demonstrate the need for enhanced standards and processes of control over risk.

In this thesis, I attempt to introduce a new method for performing risk analysis studies by effectively utilizing the existing risk management process framework with adoptions of analysis approach in m-commerce projects. It will provide a sequencing of the core part of the risk management process into sub-processes for identify context, identify risks, analyse risks, evaluate risks and treat risks in different respects of m-commerce. Moreover, it seems that the integration of risk management process and some analysis method indeed provided very useful new insights.

To be able to fulfil the purpose of study, qualitative research method was considered, using an inductive approach of a single case study of m-commerce project in Trollhättan with m-commerce related research literature and scenario for development of restaurant in university west as source of data.

Based on the analysis, a number of observations were put forward in the conclusion. To begin with the strategy in relation to management structure will be considered. In addition, the role of information technology security is considered in risk management. Meanwhile, the good governance and risk management according to m-commerce application in risk management system and corporate governance are included in the discussion.

In attempt of risk management in the m-commerce projects, this thesis examines the issues in one case of m-commerce project in Trollhättan not only information secure issues and some technical viewpoints in m-commerce project but also from the project management's perspective.

The contribution of the thesis will be introducing a new framework/module for performing a risk analysis studies in m-commerce projects domain and a proposal for risk management in the m-commerce projects case of Trollhättan.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2012. , s. 54
Emneord [en]
M-commerce, risk management
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-4356OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hv-4356DiVA, id: diva2:532150
Fag / kurs
2012-06-01, J105, University west, Trollhattan, 11:33 (engelsk)
Tilgjengelig fra: 2012-06-21 Laget: 2012-06-09 Sist oppdatert: 2012-06-21bibliografisk kontrollert

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