The Egyptian Government’s framing of the New Administrative Capital
2022 (engelsk)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hp
Abstract [en]
This thesis will attempt to clarify further, explore, and analyse the New Administrative Capital (NAC) case of Egypt. What will be discussed here is whether the new city is built with the Egyptian people in mind or rather to emulate Dubai and create a ‘world city’ meant only for the elites. This thesis will be using a qualitative approach where the Egyptian government is mainly analysed through their statements regarding the NAC. Previous research surrounding similar topics is used as a point of departure and then put in the case of the new Egyptian capital. Framing theory is the leading theory used in the thesis where Entman’s four framings are used, problem definition, causal analysis, moral judgement, and solution. This thesis aims to understand how the Egyptian government is framing the construction of the NAC and what this tells us about whether the city is built for the elites or the masses. The political puzzle in our thesis is to examine which actors (elites or masses, or maybe both) will benefit the most from this construction. To answer this, we will utilise these two research questions, “How does this framing reflect the interests of money and power?” & “How does the framing speak to issues of affordable housing, socio-economic segregation, and affordable transport?”. This thesis will follow a qualitative descriptive case study designwith the content analysis method. With all these pieces of the puzzle, we concluded that the NAC is a city constructed with the elites in mind more than the average Egyptian.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2022. , s. 52
Emneord [en]
The New Administrative Capital, Housing, Transport, Egypt, Elites, Masses
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-18883Lokal ID: EIS501OAI:, id: diva2:1681372
Fag / kurs
Political science
International Programme in Politics and Economics
2022-08-252022-07-062024-05-08bibliografisk kontrollert