Att finna en mening i en osäker och förändrad framtid: Patienters upplevelse av palliativ vård
2020 (svensk)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 poäng / 15 hp
OppgaveAlternativ tittel
Finding a meaning in an uncertain and changed future : Patients experience of palliative care (engelsk)
Abstract [en]
Background: The purpose of palliative care is to give the patients a good quality in the end of life, relive suffering and help them live life as normal as possible. The patients should always be involved in their own care.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to illustrate how patients experience palliative care.
Method: This is a literature-based study that is based on nine qualitative analyzed articles. The articles analyze was based on Friberg five step model.
Results: The results presented in two categories: I´m changing and A safe response. The results show that it´s important to be aware of every human's individual needs and thoughts in palliative care to give the best care.
Conclusion: This study shows that lack of time on hospital care affect patients care negatively. The best palliative care is the one given to patients at their own home.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2020. , s. 16
Emneord [en]
Life change events, palliative care, patients experiences, patients perception, patients perspective
Emneord [sv]
Palliativ vård, patientupplevelser, omvårdnad
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-15050Lokal ID: EXO502OAI:, id: diva2:1413932
Fag / kurs
Nursing science
Nursing Programme
2020-03-162020-03-112020-03-16bibliografisk kontrollert