Work – Family conflict och Family – Work conflict: en studie om personlighetens betydelse
2019 (svensk)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hp
OppgaveAlternativ tittel
Work – Family conflict and Family – Work conflict : A study about the impact of personality (engelsk)
Abstract [sv]
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka huruvida det fanns ett samband mellan beroendevariablerna Work – Family conflict/Family – Work conflict och de oberoende variablerna personlighetsdragen Extraversion, Conscientiousness och Openness to Experience, samt kontrollvariablerna socioekonomisk status, happiness och kön. Då den tidigare forskningen kring detta ämne studerat sambandet mellan Work – Family conflict/Family – Work conflict och personlighetsdragen på domännivå valde vi att gå in djupare i personlighetsdragen och även undersöka sambandet mellan Work – Family conflict/Family – Work conflict och de olika drag som varje personlighetsdomän är uppbyggda av, personlighetsdragens fasetter. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en enkätundersökning. Urvalsmetoden var bekvämlighetsurval för att få en bred respondentbas. Enkäten besvarades av 110 respondenter varav 58 var kvinnor, 52 var män, ålder 22 – 70 år. Resultaten visar inget signifikant samband mellan Work – Family conflict, Family – Work conflict och Extraversion, Conscientiousness och Openness to Experience, dock fanns ett par samband på fasettnivå. Work – Family conflict har ett signifikant samband med försiktighet (rs = -.20). Family – Work conflict har signifikanta samband med självförmåga (rs = -.20), ordningsamhet (rs = -.22), fantasi (rs = .22) och emotionalitet (rs = -.25). Resultatet visar även att Work – Family conflict har ett signifikant samband med happiness (rs = -.24) vilket stämmer överens med tidigare forskning. Även Family – Work conflict har ett signifikant samband med happiness (rs = -.23). Den slutsats vi dragit utifrån denna studie är att det är fler variabler, så som happiness och socioekonomisk status, än de personlighetsdrag vi undersökt som spelar in i upplevelsen av Work – Family conflict/Family – Work conflict. För att kunna effektivisera arbetet med problematiken är det viktigt att undersöka ämnet på ett djupare plan, i dagens samhälle mer än någonsin då gränserna mellan arbetsliv och privatliv suddas ut i och med den allt större digitaliseringen i världen.
Abstract [en]
The purpose of this study was to investigate if there was a connection between the dependent variables Work – Family conflict/Family – Work conflict and the independent personality variables Extraversion, Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience, also socio-economic status, happiness and sex as variables on behalf of control. The earlier research that has been done concerning the subject has been focusing on the personality traits as domains, we wanted to dig deeper and therefore chose to do the research on facet level as well. We wanted to see which facets it was in the domains that had a connection with Work – Family conflict/Family – Work conflict. The research data were collected by a questionnaire and we used a convenience sample to attain a large group of people in various different situations. In the survey there were 110 respondents, 58 of them were women and 52 were men, the ages of the respondents were 22- 70 years old. The results did not show a connection between Work – Family conflict, Family – Work conflict and Extraversion, Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience, though there were a connection on facet level. Work – Family conflict had a significant connection with cautiousness (rs = -.20). Work – Family conflict had a significant connection with selfefficacy (rs = -.20) orderliness (rs = -.22), fantasy (rs = .22), emotionality (rs = -.25). The results also show that Work – Family conflict had a significant connection with happiness (rs = -.24) which consists with previous research. Family – Work conflict had a significant connection with happiness (rs = -.23) as well. The results also showed that Work- Family conflict had a negative connection with happiness which previous research also showed. The conclusion we did of the study was that there are various variables that matters, such as happiness, socio-economic status, rather than just the investigated personality traits in the experience of Work – Family conflict/Family – Work conflict for an individual. In order to be able to work more effectively with the problem, it is important to investigate the subject in a deeper level, today more than ever as the boundaries between work life and privacy erases with the world-wide digitalization.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2019. , s. 18
Emneord [en]
Work-family conflict, family-work conflict, conscientiousness, extraversion, openness to experience, big five, facet level, happiness, socio-economic status
Emneord [sv]
Work-family conflict, family-work conflict, conscientiousness, extraversion, openness to experience, big five, fasetter, happiness, socioekonomisk status
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-14001Lokal ID: EXM540OAI:, id: diva2:1331736
Fag / kurs
2019-07-222019-06-272019-07-22bibliografisk kontrollert