This bachelor thesis investigates the framing of Iran from 2003-2015 in the headlines of Der Spiegel and the Time magazine. This investigation was conducted from a social constructivist perspective utilizing Alexander Wendt´s cultures of anarchy to categorize the frames in whether Iran has been framed as an enemy or a rival. The agenda setting and framing theory provide necessary tools to extract the latent meaning from the headlines. In total 147 headlines and subheadings are investigated. The results show that there is a shift from framing Iran as an enemy to framing it as a rival in both news magazines. However, Der Spiegel frames Iran in a polarizing, inconsistent manner, with a focus on Iran´s type identity of being a Muslim country as means to frame it as an enemy. The frames indicating rivalry frame Iran as an opportunity for the German economy. The Time bases their frames on Iran´s role identity, as in their leaders and actions. This enables them to be more consistent in their rationale of the enmity and rivalry framing.