Ett värdigt slut: Äldre patienters erfarenheter av att befinna sig i ett palliativt skede
2017 (svensk)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 poäng / 15 hp
OppgaveAlternativ tittel
An end with dignity : Elderly patients experience of being in a palliative phase (engelsk)
Abstract [en]
Background: The need of palliative care increases among our aging population. Nurses need to learn more about elderly's experiences of this phase, so they can give the right individualized care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of elderly patients being in a palliative phase. Method: The method of the study was designed as a literature based study and the selected method is a qualitative analysis referring to Friberg (2012). Twelve articles were analyzed, eleven were found by a systematic search and one were found in an unsystematic search. Result: The result was formed into three themes and eight sub themes. The main themes were: The meaning of the family and the social life, Dignity in care and Acceptance. The sub themes were: The feeling of belonging, The feeling of being a burden, To be seen, The feeling of safety, Participation in decisions, Faith provides inner peace, The fear of how it will end, Doing the best of the time that's left. Conclusion: The conclusion was based on the result of the study. Elderly value relationships to other people. To be able to preserve elder's dignity it is important that the health care staff treat the elderly with respect and sensitivity. Acceptance and a positive attitude among the staff makes the elderly's final stage easier.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2017. , s. 20
Emneord [en]
Dignity, Experiences, Elderly patient, Palliative care, Relationship
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-11209Lokal ID: EXO502OAI:, id: diva2:1121592
Fag / kurs
Nursing science
Nursing Programme
2017-07-122017-07-122017-07-12bibliografisk kontrollert