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Sofkova Hashemi, S., Wennås Brante, E., Cederlund, K., Godhe, A.-L., Magnusson, P., Stenliden, L., . . . Åkerfeldt, A. (2018). Digitala textkompetenser och undervisning: En metatolkande syntes av forskningsstudier om texter, information och multimodalitet i skolan. In: Maritha Johansson, Bengt-Göran Martinsson, Suzanne Parmenius Swärd (Ed.), Trettonde nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning: Bildning, utbildning, fortbildning. Paper presented at Trettonde nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning: Bildning, utbildning, fortbildning, Linköping, 22-23 november 2018 (pp. 270-286). Linköping: Linköpings universitet
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2018 (Swedish)In: Trettonde nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning: Bildning, utbildning, fortbildning / [ed] Maritha Johansson, Bengt-Göran Martinsson, Suzanne Parmenius Swärd, Linköping: Linköpings universitet , 2018, p. 270-286Conference paper, Published paper (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Digital teknik för in nya möjligheter i svenskämnet, som exempelvis multimodala inslag och hypertexter, men ställer också förändrade krav både på elevers läsning, design och utvärdering av texter och lärares undervisning. Förändringar i läroplan och styrdokument tyder på en önskan om att elever ska vara digitalt textkompetenta. Genom en metatolkande ansats har ett urval av aktuell svensk forskning på området reanalyserats. Syftet är att problematisera och synliggöra de möjligheter och utmaningar den digitala tidsåldern ställer på elever och lärare när det gäller att utveckla digitala textkompetenser. Analysen bygger på studier som spänner över grund- och gymnasieskola och behandlar frågor som rör elevers lärprocesser och lärares beredskap till handledning, stöttning och bedömning när elever söker, tolkar, läser, skapar och hanterar digitala, multimodala texter. Analysen indikerar att elever behöver stöd i att värdera och tolka information samt att designa texter multimodalt. Den visar dessutom att lärare är i behov av redskap för att uppfatta och värdera digitala, multimodala textkompetenser. Kursplanerevideringarna avseende digitalisering uppvisar ett tekniskt perspektiv på användning av digitala verktyg snarare än kvalitativa aspekter av elevernas multimodala textarbete. Konsekvensen blir att lärare,oavsett årskurs eller ämne, har svårt att relatera elevers kunskapsproduktioner till kunskapsmålen i kursplanerna. Det pekar i sin tur på ett behov av att utveckla nya sorters kvalitetsindikatorer för bedömning och betygssättning gällande digital multimodal textanvändning. Om lärare och elever har en gemensam förståelse för digitala, multi-modala texter, kan det utgöra en grund för att forma mer fokuserade och medvetna samtal om kvalitet i digitalt utformat innehåll.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Linköping: Linköpings universitet, 2018
Digitala textkompetenser, multimodala inslag, hypertxter, undervisning, bedömning
National Category
Specific Languages Pedagogy
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-16095 (URN)978-91-7929-844-9 (ISBN)
Trettonde nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning: Bildning, utbildning, fortbildning, Linköping, 22-23 november 2018
Available from: 2020-12-02 Created: 2020-12-02 Last updated: 2020-12-04Bibliographically approved
Cederlund, K. & Sofkova Hashemi, S. (2018). Multimodala bedömningspraktiker och lärares lärande. Educare, 43-68
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Multimodala bedömningspraktiker och lärares lärande
2018 (Swedish)In: Educare, ISSN 1653-1868, E-ISSN 2004-5190, p. 43-68Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The article reports on a study where teachers in early primary school were presented to tools to approach texts and meaning-­making from a multimodal perspective. The study aims to develop knowledge of enabling and constraining factors for the development of a multimodal assessment practice. To do so, we examine how teachers’ understanding of quality in students’ multimodal texts is manifested in assessments, and how this relates to available tools. The findings are discussed with the help of Bernstein's (1990; 2000) theoretical frame-­work and focus on the conditions for teachers' work and learning. The study demonstrates teachers’ attention to multimodal text quality as ability to follow writing conventions, organize text and communicate content with several interacting resources. Available tools shape and broaden what is noticed. However, to give content to the meta-­language further knowledge on the use of different semiotic resources is needed. The study hereby raises the importance of interdisciplinary perspective on multimodal assessment.

assessment, Bernstein, multimodal text, teacher learning, professional development
National Category
Research subject
Work Integrated Learning; SOCIAL SCIENCE, Pedagogics
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-13423 (URN)
Available from: 2019-01-16 Created: 2019-01-16 Last updated: 2023-03-28Bibliographically approved
Cederlund, K. (2018). The Cross-School Teacher Team as a Site for Learning. Education Inquiry, 9(2), 193-209
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The Cross-School Teacher Team as a Site for Learning
2018 (English)In: Education Inquiry, E-ISSN 2000-4508, Vol. 9, no 2, p. 193-209Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In policy and in initiatives from the Swedish National Agency for Education for enhancing professional development, there is currently a strong emphasis on teachers´ collaborative professional development. As previous research suggests that teachers may need to engage in various types of collaboration for learning, extended knowledge on different teacher teams for collaboration is needed. In this study, a Cross-School Teacher Team (CSTT) of teachers who shared pedagogical interests but worked in different municipalities was followed through observations, interviews, text-collections of logbook-reflections and digital communication. To examine what constitutes the CSTT as a site for learning and how this is shaped by as well as shaping the enabling and constraining arrangements, the empirical material was analysed through the lens of the theory of practice architectures. The results show how a CSTT can provide a complement to local teams for work integrated learning through diverse perspectives, a shared focus on specific and professional issues and a safe space for sharing and reflection. Internal and external transparency worked as a catalyst both for processes of reflection and transformation of local arrangements and practices. Knowledge of the practice architectures of the CSTT offer tools to elaborate upon alternative or complementary spaces for collaboration.

Continuous learning, professional development, collaboration
National Category
Didactics Learning Pedagogy
Research subject
SOCIAL SCIENCE, Educational science
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-11996 (URN)10.1080/20004508.2017.1380484 (DOI)2-s2.0-85057172170 (Scopus ID)
Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, MAW 2011.058
Available from: 2018-01-10 Created: 2018-01-10 Last updated: 2022-02-10Bibliographically approved
Cederlund, K., Godhe, A.-L. & Sofkova Hashemi, S. (2017). Subject culture in motion :: competing discourses in literacy education. In: Kerge, Krista & Puksand, Helin (Ed.), Cultures, Arts & Verbal Communication:: Book of abstracts. Paper presented at ARLE 2017: The 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education: Cultures, Arts & Verbal Communication in L1 Education; June 15-17, 2017, Tallinn University, Estonia (pp. 33-34).
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2017 (English)In: Cultures, Arts & Verbal Communication:: Book of abstracts / [ed] Kerge, Krista & Puksand, Helin, 2017, p. 33-34Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

In this paper we examine competing discourses of established and emerging practices in literacy education in relation to technology. Our intention is to highlight contextual and relational aspects, which are largely absent in discussion concerning education when the aim is to find effective, best practice solutions. Grounded on empirical research findings, we strive to expand the current discussion by problematizing the relation between technology and literacy in a subject culture in motion. As classroom practices are made up of many different and often competing discourses this paper attends to the historical development of L1 and discusses tensions at classroom and system levels (Bernstein, 2000; Engeström, 2009). We demonstrate how the conditions and role of technology in the classroom tends to move from a focus on the effective use of technology, which separates the digital from L1-education, towards discourses including social practices and socio-political aspects (Ivanic, 2004). Moreover, the need for a meta-awareness addressing the multiplicity and diversity of communication channels and media will be problematized in regard to teachers’ professional development, changes in curricula and the boundary between the L1-subject and aesthetics.

Literacy, technology, L1-education, classroom
National Category
Didactics Pedagogical Work
Research subject
SOCIAL SCIENCE, Educational science
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-12014 (URN)978-9949-29-337-7 (ISBN)
ARLE 2017: The 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education: Cultures, Arts & Verbal Communication in L1 Education; June 15-17, 2017, Tallinn University, Estonia
Available from: 2018-01-22 Created: 2018-01-22 Last updated: 2019-12-05Bibliographically approved
Godhe, A.-L. & Cederlund, K. (2017). Vad möjliggör och begränsar utvecklandet av en multimodal bedömningspraktik?. In: Forskning pågår: . Paper presented at Forskning pågår, 2017-10-21 Göteborgs universitet.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Vad möjliggör och begränsar utvecklandet av en multimodal bedömningspraktik?
2017 (Swedish)In: Forskning pågår, 2017Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

I takt med att digital teknologi har blivit allt vanligare i klassrummen skapar elever digitala och multimodala eller multimediala texter där det skrivna ordet integreras med bild, film, ljud och tal, vilket väcker frågor om hur vi bemöter och bedömer dessa texter. Med utgångspunkt i två olika forskningsprojekt på grund- och gymnasieskolan tar vi på föreläsningen upp de utmaningar lärare ställs inför vad gäller elevers produktion av multimodala texter och bedömning av dessa.

Digital teknologi, multimediala texter, bedömning
National Category
Didactics Human Aspects of ICT
Research subject
SOCIAL SCIENCE, Educational science
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-12010 (URN)
Forskning pågår, 2017-10-21 Göteborgs universitet
Available from: 2018-01-18 Created: 2018-01-18 Last updated: 2019-12-05Bibliographically approved
Cederlund, K. & Sofkova Hashemi, S. (2016). Assessing multimodal texts: practice development and support for teachers´ learning. In: The 8th international conference on Modality: Multimodal Landscapes. Paper presented at 8icom The 8th inernational conference on Modality. Cape Town, South Africa, 7th – 9th December 2016.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Assessing multimodal texts: practice development and support for teachers´ learning
2016 (English)In: The 8th international conference on Modality: Multimodal Landscapes, 2016Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

As digital technology is becoming increasingly more common in the classrooms, students are creating screen-based texts that incorporate various modalities. Previous studies show that even if students’ texts are multimodal, the complexity in multimodal text composition are not the subject to established assessment practices privileging verbal and written language. Assessment practices signal which knowledge is legitimate and influence how teaching is organized. How teachers acknowledge and assess multimodal aspects and how practice development in this matter can be supported thereby becomes important issues to address.

This study was conducted within the project Digital Arenas in Literacy Practices in Early Primary School (DILS) where teachers from three classes in different schools worked together in workshops to develop literacy teaching. The empirical material consists primarily of the participating teachers written assessments of student texts, before and after an intervention where the teachers were introduced to multimodal perspectives and concepts for analyzing and assessing multimodal texts. The text material was further complemented by video-recordings of this workshop and the teachers’ discussions. Exploring how the teachers understanding of students’ multimodal texts is manifested in their assessments, the study highlights the challenges education and teachers face. The results shows how a lack of a meta-language to describe quality and development in multimodal text-composing results in assessments influenced by established assement practices focusing formal language aspects. Access to such meta-language provided more focus on the use, balance and interrelations of modalities for communicative effect. The implications of what knowledge and practices that are made available to teachers are discussed, and further research on how to implement multimodal assessment practices in the pedagogical practice is suggested.

assessment, multimodality, early literacy, teacher learning
National Category
Research subject
SOCIAL SCIENCE, Educational science; Work Integrated Learning
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-10395 (URN)
8icom The 8th inernational conference on Modality. Cape Town, South Africa, 7th – 9th December 2016
Available from: 2016-12-23 Created: 2016-12-23 Last updated: 2019-03-15Bibliographically approved
Cederlund, K. & Sofkova Hashemi, S. (2016). ”Här styrker bilden texten”: Att utveckla en multimodal bedömningspraktik. In: SMDI 12 TEXTKULTURER Tolfte Nationella konferensen i Svenska med Didaktisk inriktning.Karlstads universitet 24-25 november 2016: . Paper presented at SMDI 12 Nationella konferensen i Svenska med Didaktisk inriktning.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>”Här styrker bilden texten”: Att utveckla en multimodal bedömningspraktik
2016 (Swedish)In: SMDI 12 TEXTKULTURER Tolfte Nationella konferensen i Svenska med Didaktisk inriktning.Karlstads universitet 24-25 november 2016, 2016Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Genom den tekniska och mediala utvecklingen lever vi idag i ett multimedialt samhälle där det skrivna ordet inte bara är ett bland flera kommunikationsmedier utan också integreras med bild, film, ljud och tal. Läsande och skrivande har alltid varit multimodalt men den digitala teknologin möjliggör än större komplexitet i de multimodala uttrycken. Tidigare forskning har visat att även om elever komponerar multimodala texter så omfattar inte etablerade bedömningspraktiker komplexiteten hos multimodalt textskapande. Bedömningspraktiker signalerar vad som är legitim kunskap och påverkar hur undervisningen utformas. Kunskap om hur lärare uppmärksammar och bedömer multimodal texthantering samt hur praktikutveckling på området kan understödjas får därmed betydelse för utvecklingen av svenskämnets didaktik. I föreliggande studie undersöks när en grupp lågstadielärare erbjuds redskap för att betrakta texter utifrån design och samspel mellan olika semiotiska resurser. Det empiriska materialet består av filmade observationer av lärarnas kollegiala samtal och sambedömningar, samt lärarnas skriftliga reflektioner och bedömningar av multimodala elevtexter. Texterna samlades in före och efter en intervention där lärarna presenterades för begrepp och perspektiv baserade på Eve Bearnes (2009) ramverk för analys och bedömning av multimodal text och textprogression. Genom analyser av hur lärarnas förståelse av kvalitét och progression i multimodal texthantering manifesteras och förhandlas belyser studien de utmaningar lärare och undervisning förväntas hantera och ställs inför vad gäller bedömning av multimodala elevtexter. Resultaten visar hur tillgängliga diskurser och redskap möjliggör och begränsar praktiken vilket väcker frågor om vilken kunskap elever och lärare behöver för multimodal texthantering. Vi diskuterar svenskämnets gränser mot bildämnet och implikationer för lärarutbildning och lärares kompetensutveckling.

multimodala texter, bedömningspraktik, lärares lärande, literacy undervisning
National Category
Research subject
Child and Youth studies; SOCIAL SCIENCE, Educational science
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-10394 (URN)
SMDI 12 Nationella konferensen i Svenska med Didaktisk inriktning
Available from: 2016-12-23 Created: 2016-12-23 Last updated: 2016-12-23Bibliographically approved
Sofkova Hashemi, S. & Cederlund, K. (2016). Making room for the transformation of literacy instruction in the digital classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 17(2), 221-253
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Making room for the transformation of literacy instruction in the digital classroom
2016 (English)In: Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, ISSN 1468-7984, E-ISSN 1741-2919, Vol. 17, no 2, p. 221-253Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Education is in the process of transforming traditional print-based instruction intodigital formats. This multi-case study sheds light on the challenge of coping with theold and new in literacy teaching in the context of technology-mediated instruction inthe early years of schooling (7–8 years old children). By investigating the relationbetween literacy and digital technology in diverse pedagogical contexts we capturethe complexity in the educational transformation that needs to be acknowledged.Each of the cases demonstrates a distinct knowledge focus and goal for early literacy instruction, organisation and access around technology and what is made visible ininstruction. All these factors had consequences for the teaching that occurred. Depending on epistemological beliefs, digital competencies were taught separately from literacy and considered as a goal on its own or integrated with literacy considered as a means and a goal for literacy teaching and learning. Implicit pedagogy with weaker classification and framing enabled conditions for infused approaches making use of digital technology in multimodal, functional and learner centred literacy practices. Furthermore, initial guidance and the weaving of invisible and visible pedagogy highlight a possible way to both exploit the potential of digital technology and support childrenfrom various backgrounds. The balance of teacher and student control was further affected in regard to the organisation of technology and choices of pedagogical methods. This research hereby expands the current discussion on the relation betweentechnology and literacy with an understanding that the epistemological focus and contextof practices are necessary tools to problematize, rather than measure or value, emerging practices in early literacy instruction. We conclude that in addition to the necessary heavy investments in digital technology in schools there is a need to provide room for action for the teachers and address issues of purpose, pedagogy and organisation around technology.

Early literacy instruction, digital technologies, literacy practices, pedagogic discourse, classification and framing, educational change, writing
National Category
Research subject
SOCIAL SCIENCE, Educational science; Work Integrated Learning
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-10396 (URN)10.1177/1468798416630779 (DOI)000403063300004 ()2-s2.0-85020393372 (Scopus ID)

Funders: Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation

Available from: 2016-12-23 Created: 2016-12-23 Last updated: 2019-05-20Bibliographically approved
Andersson, P., Cederlund, K., Lyngfelt, A. & Sofkova Hashemi, S. (2015). Crossing borders by the use of digital tools in classrooms representing different socioeconomic backgrounds. In: NERASymposium: “Situating literacies in educational settings”, 4-6 March 2015, Gothenburg: . Paper presented at NERA Symposium: “Situating literacies in educational settings”, 4-6 March 2015, Gothenburg.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Crossing borders by the use of digital tools in classrooms representing different socioeconomic backgrounds
2015 (English)In: NERASymposium: “Situating literacies in educational settings”, 4-6 March 2015, Gothenburg, 2015Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Other academic)
National Category
Didactics Pedagogy Information Systems, Social aspects
Research subject
Child and Youth studies; SOCIAL SCIENCE, Educational science
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-8679 (URN)
NERA Symposium: “Situating literacies in educational settings”, 4-6 March 2015, Gothenburg
Available from: 2015-11-23 Created: 2015-11-23 Last updated: 2019-12-02Bibliographically approved
Cederlund, K. & Sofkova Hashemi, S. (2015). Sharing is daring: Cross-school collaboration and teachers work integrated learning. In: NERA, 4-6 March 2015, Gothenburg: . Paper presented at NERA, 4-6 March 2015, Gothenburg.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Sharing is daring: Cross-school collaboration and teachers work integrated learning
2015 (English)In: NERA, 4-6 March 2015, Gothenburg, 2015Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Other academic)
National Category
Research subject
Child and Youth studies; SOCIAL SCIENCE, Educational science
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-8680 (URN)
NERA, 4-6 March 2015, Gothenburg
Available from: 2015-11-23 Created: 2015-11-23 Last updated: 2019-12-02Bibliographically approved

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