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Bergström, P., Fergusson, M., Folkesson, P., Runnemalm, A., Ottosson, M., Andersson, A. & Sjödahl, M. (2016). Automatic in-line inspection of shape based on photogrammetry. In: The 7th International Swedish Production Symposium, SPS16, Conference Proceedings: 25th – 27th of October 2016. Paper presented at 7th International Swedish Production Symposium, SPS16, Lund, Sweden, October 25–27, 2016 (pp. 1-9). Lund: Swedish Production Academy
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2016 (English)In: The 7th International Swedish Production Symposium, SPS16, Conference Proceedings: 25th – 27th of October 2016, Lund: Swedish Production Academy , 2016, p. 1-9Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

We are describing a fully automatic in-line shape inspection system for controlling the shape of moving objects on a conveyor belt. The shapes of the objects are measured using a full-field optical shape measurement method based on photogrammetry. The photogrammetry system consists of four cameras, a flash, and a triggering device. When an object to be measured arrives at a given position relative to the system, the flash and cameras are synchronously triggered to capture images of the moving object.From the captured images a point-cloud representing the measured shape is created. The point-cloud is then aligned to a CAD-model, which defines the nominal shape of the measured object, using a best-fit method and a feature-based alignment method. Deviations between the point-cloud and the CAD-model are computed giving the output of the inspection process. The computational time to create a point-cloud from the captured images is about 30 seconds and the computational time for the comparison with the CAD-model is about ten milliseconds. We report on recent progress with the shape inspection system.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lund: Swedish Production Academy, 2016
Automatic, full-field, in-line, photogrammetry, shape inspection, single-shot
National Category
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
Research subject
ENGINEERING, Manufacturing and materials engineering
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-10249 (URN)
7th International Swedish Production Symposium, SPS16, Lund, Sweden, October 25–27, 2016
Available from: 2016-12-08 Created: 2016-12-08 Last updated: 2022-11-08Bibliographically approved
Harati, E., Ottosson, M., Karlsson, L. & Svensson, L.-E. (2014). Non-destructive measurement of weld toe radius using Weld Impression Analysis, Laser Scanning Profiling and Structured Light Projection methods. In: Proceedings of First International Conference on Welding and Non Destructive Testing (ICWNDT2014): . Paper presented at First International Conference on Welding and Non Destructive Testing (ICWNDT2014)February 25-26, 2014, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch-Karaj-Alborz, Iran (pp. 1-8).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Non-destructive measurement of weld toe radius using Weld Impression Analysis, Laser Scanning Profiling and Structured Light Projection methods
2014 (English)In: Proceedings of First International Conference on Welding and Non Destructive Testing (ICWNDT2014), 2014, p. 1-8Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Weld toe, Non-destructive methods, Weld Impression Analysis, Laser Scanning Profiling, Structured Light Projection
National Category
Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
Research subject
Production Technology; ENGINEERING, Manufacturing and materials engineering
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-6497 (URN)
First International Conference on Welding and Non Destructive Testing (ICWNDT2014)February 25-26, 2014, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch-Karaj-Alborz, Iran
Available from: 2014-08-20 Created: 2014-08-14 Last updated: 2019-11-29Bibliographically approved
Rohdin, P., Johansson, M., Löfberg, J. & Ottosson, M. (2012). Energy efficient process ventilation in paint shops in the car industry: Experiences and an evaluation of a full scale implementation at Saab Automobile in Sweden.. In: Ventilation 2012: . Paper presented at The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation,17,18,19 september 2012, Paris (pp. 1-6).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Energy efficient process ventilation in paint shops in the car industry: Experiences and an evaluation of a full scale implementation at Saab Automobile in Sweden.
2012 (English)In: Ventilation 2012, 2012, p. 1-6Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Support processes in industrial energy systems, such as heating, ventilation and cooling systems, are important processes in industrial premises as they are related to energy cost, product quality as well as the indoor environment.

In the vehicle production process the paint shop is the most energy intensive part, and about 75% of the energy is used in the ovens and spray booths. The spray booth line, which includes paint application and the oven, uses large quantities of air in order to keep the air quality in an optimal range to achieve the desired paint quality. The approach used in paint shops has up to now been to keep as much of steady state conditions as possible to avoid paint defects due to disturbances in the balance. This means that these high air flows are used also at low and non production hours. There is thus a large potential to increase energy efficiency by controlling the air flow and heating without losing the critical balances. This paper will present an initial post-implementation evaluation of the energy efficiency potential and experiences after running this type of system. CFD has been used to investigate the control strategy.

Industrial Ventilation; CFD; Evaluation
National Category
Energy Engineering
Research subject
ENGINEERING, Manufacturing and materials engineering
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-4786 (URN)
The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation,17,18,19 september 2012, Paris
VINNOVA, 2011-03667

Deltagit i ett Vinnova projekt: Energieffektivt måleri

Available from: 2012-12-20 Created: 2012-11-07 Last updated: 2018-08-09Bibliographically approved
Heralic, A., Ottosson, M., Christiansson, A.-K. & Lennartson, B. (2011). Automation of laser metal deposition for the manufacture of fully dense structures. In: Jan-Eric Ståhl (Ed.), 4th International Swedish Production Symposium, SPS11: 3-4 May, Lund, Sverige. Paper presented at SPS11 (pp. 219-227). Swedish Productio Academy
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Automation of laser metal deposition for the manufacture of fully dense structures
2011 (English)In: 4th International Swedish Production Symposium, SPS11: 3-4 May, Lund, Sverige / [ed] Jan-Eric Ståhl, Swedish Productio Academy , 2011, p. 219-227Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Swedish Productio Academy, 2011
Laser deposition, metal wire, machine vision, on-line process control
National Category
Control Engineering Robotics and automation
Research subject
ENGINEERING, Manufacturing and materials engineering
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-3712 (URN)
Available from: 2011-09-27 Created: 2011-09-27 Last updated: 2025-02-05Bibliographically approved
Heralic, A., Ottosson, M., Kristiansson, A.-K. & Norlander, T. (2011). Geometry control of laser metal deposition for the manufacture of complex structures in the aero industry. In: 20th International Society for Airbreathing Engines Conference, ISABE 2011: September 12-16, 2011 Gothenburg. Paper presented at XX International Symposium on air breathing engines (pp. 1666-1674).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Geometry control of laser metal deposition for the manufacture of complex structures in the aero industry
2011 (English)In: 20th International Society for Airbreathing Engines Conference, ISABE 2011: September 12-16, 2011 Gothenburg, 2011, p. 1666-1674Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
National Category
Robotics and automation Control Engineering
Research subject
ENGINEERING, Manufacturing and materials engineering
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-3713 (URN)978-1-61839-180-3 (ISBN)
XX International Symposium on air breathing engines
Available from: 2011-09-27 Created: 2011-09-27 Last updated: 2025-02-05Bibliographically approved
Heralic, A., Christiansson, A.-K., Hurtig, K., Ottosson, M. & Lennartson, B. (2008). Control Design for Automation of Robotized Laser Metal-Wire Deposition. In: Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress: . Paper presented at 17th IFAC World Congress, IFAC’08, Seoul Korea, July 6-11, 2008 (pp. 14785-14791). International Federation of Automatic Control
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Control Design for Automation of Robotized Laser Metal-Wire Deposition
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2008 (English)In: Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, International Federation of Automatic Control , 2008, p. 14785-14791Conference paper, Published paper (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

In this paper a novel approach towards automation of robotized laser metal-wire deposition (RLMwD) is described. The RLMwD technique is being developed at University West in cooperation with Swedish industry for solid freeform fabrication of fully dense metal structures. The process utilizes robotized fibre laser welding and metal wire filler material, together with a layered manufacturing method, to create metal structures directly from a CAD drawing. The RLMwD process can also be used for repair or modification of existing components. This paper faces the challenge of designing a control system for maintaining stable process variables, such as a constant layer height and a stable component temperature, during the entire manufacturing process. Several problems are identified and discussed in the paper, e.g. the difficulty of obtaining the bead height in the weld pool environment. The case study is a repair application for stamping tools, where worn out trim edges are to be repaired. Issues regarding the control design, system identification, and the practical implementation of this application are discussed.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
International Federation of Automatic Control, 2008
IFAC PapersOnLine, ISSN 1474-6670 ; Vol 17
Multi sensor systems, Robotics technology
National Category
Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
Research subject
ENGINEERING, Mechatronics; ENGINEERING, Manufacturing and materials engineering
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-2248 (URN)10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.02503 (DOI)
17th IFAC World Congress, IFAC’08, Seoul Korea, July 6-11, 2008
Available from: 2010-03-03 Created: 2010-03-03 Last updated: 2020-04-01Bibliographically approved
Heralic, A., Ottosson, M., Hurtig, K. & Kristiansson, A.-K. (2008). Visual feed-back for operator interaction in robotized laser metal deposition. In: T.S. Sudarshan & Per Nylen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies SMT22: Held at University West, Trollhättan, Sweden September 22-24, 2008. Paper presented at Surface Modification Technologies SMT22 (pp. 297-304).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Visual feed-back for operator interaction in robotized laser metal deposition
2008 (English)In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies SMT22: Held at University West, Trollhättan, Sweden September 22-24, 2008 / [ed] T.S. Sudarshan & Per Nylen, 2008, p. 297-304Conference paper, Published paper (Other academic)
Surface Modification Technologies ; 22
National Category
Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
Research subject
ENGINEERING, Mechatronics; ENGINEERING, Manufacturing and materials engineering
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-2249 (URN)978-0-9817065-1-1 (ISBN)
Surface Modification Technologies SMT22
Available from: 2010-03-03 Created: 2010-03-03 Last updated: 2018-07-25Bibliographically approved
Heralic, A., Christiansson, A.-K., Ottosson, M., Hurtig, K. & Lennartson, B. (2007). Automation of Robotized Laser Metal-Wire Deposition. In: Proceedings of the ninth IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications: Montreal, Canada. Paper presented at IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications (pp. ID 658-075). ACTA Press
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2007 (English)In: Proceedings of the ninth IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications: Montreal, Canada, ACTA Press , 2007, p. ID 658-075-Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
ACTA Press, 2007
National Category
Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology Control Engineering
Research subject
ENGINEERING, Manufacturing and materials engineering
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-198 (URN)978-0-88986-665-2 (ISBN)
IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications
Available from: 2009-04-23 Created: 2009-04-23 Last updated: 2020-04-01Bibliographically approved
Heralic, A., Christiansson, A.-K., Ottosson, M., Hurtig, K. & Lennartson, B. (2007). Freeform Fabrication using Laser Metal-wire Deposition. In: Proceedings from the 1st Swedish Production Symposium: 28-30 August, Gothenburg, Sweden. Paper presented at Swedish Production Symposium (pp. session 1.2).
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2007 (English)In: Proceedings from the 1st Swedish Production Symposium: 28-30 August, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2007, p. session 1.2-Conference paper, Published paper (Other academic)
National Category
Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
Research subject
ENGINEERING, Manufacturing and materials engineering
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-200 (URN)
Swedish Production Symposium
Available from: 2009-04-23 Created: 2009-04-23 Last updated: 2020-04-02Bibliographically approved
Christiansson, A.-K. & Ottosson, M. (2006). Sensor and control system for metal deposition using robotised laser welding.. In: 16th International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding and Manufacturing: Kiev, Ukraine. Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding and Manufacturing (pp. 328-332).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Sensor and control system for metal deposition using robotised laser welding.
2006 (English)In: 16th International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding and Manufacturing: Kiev, Ukraine, 2006, p. 328-332Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
National Category
Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology Control Engineering
Research subject
ENGINEERING, Manufacturing and materials engineering
urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-1881 (URN)9668872053 (ISBN)9789668872051 (ISBN)
16th International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding and Manufacturing
Available from: 2009-12-01 Created: 2009-11-04 Last updated: 2015-06-24Bibliographically approved

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